Wrong Turn

audience Reviews

, 61% Audience Score
  • Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
    For 2021: Finally, a worthy installment worth checking out. This is already the 7th entry in this long-running backwoods terror franchise. The problem with that original movie was it so forgettable. The characters were stale and flat and it felt like ripping off hills have eyes. There just needed to be improvements. Now we have a brand new cast directed by Mike P. Nelson. Here the formulas changed a bit; some teenage youths are taking a trip through the Appalachian mountain trail. It just happens to be in Virginia where things are more backwater way of thinking. The main girl is Jennifer who's stuck making coffee despite having two masters degrees. They are warned to not go off the marked trail but once they do the terror starts. The rest of her friends fall into traps and are being stalked by denizens who reside up in the mountains. But they are not actually inbred cannibals. But more like outsiders cut off from the pressures and barbaric nature of the modern world. With this reboot there's more human context. More about this community of people who make their own land of freedom from the collapse of America ever since the civil war days. They get by without war, hate, poverty etc. Everyone has a job, a role in order to provide, and their own justice system to keep outsiders away from interfering in their way of living. If anyone disobeys them the punished are sentenced to a dark chasm in the underground walls not seeing or hearing anything. Those who come into this 'foundation' are never heard from again dead or alive. Jennifer and her friends become trapped, meanwhile her father is desperate to bring her home. So there isn't a lot of straight in-your-face scares. There's gore here and being lost in the woods creates enough of the terror not knowing there's another civilized peoples. There's even an in-joke in here referencing the 2003 version with Eliza dushku which I thought was a nice wink to the audience. It sets itself apart enough. This new chapter of the series is better in terms of not just being a dumb splatter gorefest. Plus the characters feel more real. And with Jennifer she actually finds more of a purpose than she did in her old life teaching her to be a strong survivor. On the one hand this is a better film than the rest of those dreaded sequels but some might be missing that kooky, over-the-top inbred cannibalism feel. There's stupid and overly-violent but there's also competent as well as intelligent horror. So this manages to work even if a lot of it makes no sense narratively. A better version than the 2003 outing in many respects.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    It is quite predictable and the only surprising element goes against the terror is supposed to cause… some characters are painfully written (like Matthew Modine's whose serenity , starting to search for his daughter after only two weeks of not answering the phone, makes you think he plotted her death from the beginning, which would have actually been more interesting) and the rest of characters are flat and annoying. The production design is awful, the foundation people look like they took people from a bus stop and make them dirty in five minutes. It is literally impossible to have any sense that anything could happen so it is not scary at all. Still it was mildy entertaining, hence the two stars. Good to watch with friends to comment and laugh at.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Stylish but the storyline is bleak.
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    Very long and boring introduction, I feel like you would skip passed it and miss the fantastic ending if you get bored easy. The whole movie is very predictable, but then they slide in a few things that really shock you. I'd say definitely a thriller nothing scary about it just lots of blood and guts.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Although it had nothing to do with the franchise, it was alright. I was expecting the fucked up looking people lol but the gore definitely made it watchable
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    I started watching this, thinking it was the original movie, but it wasn't! I was however, very entertained and satisfied with our main character! Awesome suspense here! Glad I watched it!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Il ritorno di "Wrong Turn" è un buon horror che sfrutta abbastanza bene la natura in cui è immerso rendendola centrale nella sceneggiatura. I personaggi non sono particolarmente interessanti, ad eccezione della protagonista e di suo padre, sicuramente figure con degli aspetti non così banali da trovare nel cinema del genere. Purtroppo i dialoghi tra gli amici sono piuttosto scadenti ma fortunatamente finiscono ben presto per lasciare spazio alla "prigionia" molto più elettrizzante ed ansiogena. Molto inquietante il passaggio nell'oscurità che forse sarebbe potuto essere ancor più horror se gestito con maggiore calma. La conclusione è a due facce; il doppio finale uno immaginato ed uno reale non convince ed è banale; concentrandosi solo su quello reale invece la valutazione è positiva, quasi poetica la camminata finale delle due figure femminili.
  • Rating: 0.5 out of 5 stars
    Beyond preposterous.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Very creepy tale. There were some weak spots and I had to cover my eyes a couple of times.
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    It is a pretty effective thriller. Don't be too critical of the leaders perfectly quaffed hair and beard and his daughters rough but well groomed hair. Some weird choices there. A good watch that if 15 minutes edited would have been a bit tighter and better. You can do worse.